Ad Astra model club 1950's group build ('55 Ford Custom)

Started by Brian Conn, January 12, 2020, 02:34:37 PM

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Ed K.

Brian Conn

...Been a while since any update...seems I have been doing everything but spending time in the hobby room as of late.

  Got the body weathered.  I still need to add the hood pins and decals.  The decals I will be making myself.

  Decided to use the '56 Ford Victoria's trunk lid emblem.....just about totally screwed this one up by attaching the rear bumper with the front bumper protectors on the front......caught it in time and with a small bit of de-bonder everything is good.

  Bobbed the ends of the front bumper

The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Beautiful build Brian! Love all the detailing,weathering,etc. Excellent!!
Rick :)


Ed K.

Brian Conn

Yikes...been a couple months since an update :-[
  Still at it and all that is left is decals....putting those together in Microsoft Paint as I type this and hopefully be printing some time soon.  Those will have to be weathered as well once they are applied...something new to me as well.

  Roughed up the drivers door, fender and hood a little bit more or less to see if I could do it and how it would turn out. 
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington

Brian Conn

  Finished up the decals.....hopefully get this project wrapped up soon.

The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


That little hot rod is turning out great Brian it certainly looks spot on.  Can't wait to see it with decals, great job all the way around!


Brian Conn

Well, its been a little over 6 months since I've done anything with the '55  ...had a $ide hu$tle that kept me busy and away from the hobby room....things are starting to slow down a bit.

  Got some decals laid down the last couple of evenings....some very subtle weathering left to do on them before I'm ready to call this one done.....already roughed them up a bit to show some wear and tear.

Finished build in Cars with Fenders-production bodies/late models
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


Ed K.