I am pleased to announce.......

Started by john2, November 25, 2020, 06:28:00 PM

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( private joke ) that I have finished all my kits. 

I intended to build every one I ever bought.  Never bought kits just to collect,  or get certain parts or decals.  I did have 35 on hand once.

I have been quite busy the past 6 months, but now I am a retired full time model builder.  So, what do you do when you retire ?  Fun things of course.  Now I will be a part time model builder. 

Anne and I both have some health issues, and tending to business and running a house takes a good bit of time and energy.  I do have 2 projects in mind, both of which involve multiple models.  ( A 1/25 plastic Piper Cublike airplane with a hangar that also houses a '65 Chevy truck and a '70 Chevelle  ----   and a midget with a '50 Chevy puller, that live in an old balsa garage.)

I'll be piddling with them when time and energy allow with the thoughts that they  will never be finished. 

And I'll still be around to bother you guys.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4

Tom Birky

Did you ever find a Piper kit? Wonder how those old Comet stick and tissue kits would scale out?


Good to hear John. Build away, at you leisure!



Sounds like a very nice plan!  Enjoy....!!
Ed K.


The only problem with being retired is you don't get holidays or week-ends off.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


Rick, we take them anyway.  Plus lots of 3 day weekends. 

Tom, someone put out a couple of 1/32 Cubs 8 or 10 years ago, and I got them both, but later gave them away at a swap meet, because they were not in scale with the cars. 

I have been wanting to do this for a long time and have given it much thought.  I will draw up my own plans, since it will not be a replica -- only something believable.  A " likeness " as we used to say in art. 

I am planning to use bucket seats, instrument panel, and  a narrowed tri 5 windshield, for the cabin,  plus a  hood from a '32 Ford, and relate everything to that.  Probably just sheet for the empenage, and I really don't know about the wing.  Guess I'll figure it out, if I get that far. 

Anne has about 3 million buttons  2 of which might be hidden pretty much under wheel pants.  And a Melatonin tablet might do for a tail wheel. 

Guess we will see.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


John, we NEVER finish all our kits.
But..... If you are really finished, you can help me build some of mine.
(I'll send you the tough ones if that's OK  ;D)


Yes, Jim, I still have a few to piddle with including some balsa. 

I took Nov and Dec off and found I really need an escape from real life. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Well John my friend I also am fully retired and thought I would have lots of time to build when I fully retired but it did not work out that way for me.  I retired when my wife was alive and she had too many honey do projects to do to try and dedicate a lot of time to building.  You guys know my wife passed last June and after several days and the family had left I thought now is the time to sit in the hobby room but nooooo still have the household chores to do plus I also have an aging Siberian Husky with arthritis to take care of.  But I have now managed my time enough so that I can now go to the hobby room turn on Willy's Road House and have some quiet time to build.  Good news for me is I finally got my season pass for Eagle Speedway So, build on gents and enjoy the upcoming 2021 racing season!



Understood, Al.  Doesn't take long after retiring until you wonder how you ever had time to work.  Your energy goes down, and the number of chores goes up. 

I know you miss your wife.  Enjoy the races, and love on that Husky. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4