looking for another site to sell non race car related

Started by pdaly28, August 23, 2021, 01:39:43 PM

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as the title says,looking for a site to sell model car parts on.i can't and won't use ebay any more


I know Ebay has gotten pretty poor.....and greedy. I have been a seller there for 22 yrs and am sick of it too. Not sure where you could find a place to sell those parts. In the beginning Ebay was mostly mom and pop type sellers, like an online flea market and selling what you could pick up or buy local. Now all they care about is the Chinese dealers as they must make a ton off of them. Hard to find stuff that is NOT coming from dealers like that. Makes me sick to see it.

Good luck with your search and let us know if you find a place like that.

"Rodder, racer,  builder, farmer, backyard engineer"