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Billy Foster 1965 USAC Dodge Completed

Started by slim, January 04, 2019, 04:52:14 PM

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When the Polar Lights Snap 65 Dodge Kits first came out I built two of them, cut out the back seat, built a cage and just snapped it together. The first, this one, I didn't even paint just made some nice Nichels decals and put them on. Over time the white got dirty and the decals bled from washing. I did not clear coat them. So a do-over was required! Dis assembled, Added bars to the cage, a fuel cell, replaced the snap kit wedge with a hemi, and got some cool USAC Billy Foster decals from Plastic Performance. The #20 Joe Leonard car will be built from a Johan 64 Dodge, as the real car was.

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Ed K.

Bob P.


Thank you Steven. Yes, I am still seeing a few on ebay, some are under $40.00.


Well done Slim. I remember this car from Fair Park!!!

Gary Davis

Yep....another great looking build Slim! I really like the decal work my friend...
"Man...I love the smell of Methonal and Dirt in the morning. Then....Methonal and Asphalt in the afternoon is GOLDEN also."


Great looking build Slim.  I don't think I've ever heard of these snap kits.  I've seen your builds of the SE Wisconsin modifieds especially the Etchie Beretzer car #5.  By the way do you remember Billy Johnson he ran the #1 car circa 65-66 or so.  He was one of the best I saw at Capital speedway.


Looks great. I have about a half dozen of these kits I will build one day.
Jackie Sims Race Car Models

Michael F

Very nice Dodge. Like Gary said, cool decalwork !
Greetings from Germany!
