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OctoberFest 2019

Started by David Bogard, September 09, 2019, 10:08:29 PM

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David Bogard

OctoberFest Builders!

Uh-Oh! Looks like we've got:
1. Greg Birky   
2. Sentsat71
3. Lefturns75   
4. RandB11
5. Bandit2026   
6. Dirtmodwrench
7. TarheelRick
8. Marty W
9. Brian Conn
14.David Bogard

Alright! I just added Marty W, Brian and Steven and now we've got enough to do this! I will leave it for a little while longer because I want anyone who may want in to have plenty of time!
I appreciate people that actually build and post models.


Like the October start time....will give me a little time to track down what I use on the kit I plan on doing.....
Ed K.


Am I missing something, I did not see an October start time.  However, October will be good for me, since my medical leave is over November 4th and I will be back on the school bus, plus getting caught up on many house projects that have been neglected.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


Sorry,as you can see I have made no progress... It's been a bad week at work and have had no time when I got home. Too many things on my plate right now. Hopefully I can get something done before Saturday. Can we switch kits? Maybe I could do something quicker. Thanks ,
Rick :(


Thanks David! I'll see what I can come up with.
Rick :)