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OctoberFest 2019 Rules Here!!

Started by David Bogard, September 19, 2019, 09:56:18 PM

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David Bogard

I looked up the Official "Oktoberfest" website from Munich, Germany ( ) and it runs from September 21st through October 6th. Since this has become our Octoberfest 2019, we will use those same dates as Start and Stop times!

Octoberfest 2019
1-You cannot begin your model until September 21, 2019
2-You must "put your pencils down" by Midnight October 6, 2019
3-Post build photos of your progress in the Tab Provided
4-Post photo results of your build (finished or not) in the Tab Provided by October 7, 2019
5-You may build more than one Model
6-Have Fun!!!
I appreciate people that actually build and post models.


Well then, let's make it official------------Das ist gute Nachricht!  Vielen Dank Herr David!

Marty W

Quote from: David Bogard on September 19, 2019, 11:31:12 PM
Gern geschehen, Herr Lefty. Machen Sie sich bereit zu kleben!

(Gee, I feel like I need to be building a German car all of a sudden!)

Ja, vielleicht baust du ein Messerschmitt!?


Say whut?  I am building a fureign car, but from across the other pond.  Let the fun begin.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


Hahahaha!  I am surprised any of my attempt at German makes any sense.  A little German girlfriend tried to teach me some years back and finally just gave up.  I told her it was ok, I already spoke three languages----English, Arkie and Okie and butchered all three equally well!  I still to this day have no idea what she was saying when she got mad, I just know that she stomped her feet, yelled a lot and used some 21 letter words.  It all sounded soooooooo good!!!

Marty, I was thinking about a Heinkel He219 Uhu Nacht Jager. 

Marty W


We have an Americanized name for those Marty, it starts with a "P" but kinda sounds the same---sorta.


Who cares what it looks like, I bet'cha its quicker and handles better though. 


When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.

Marty W