Just sayin "Heah"

Started by FRW, November 22, 2017, 11:37:55 AM

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I found out about this forum from Rich Sipos, but don't be too mad at him, he's a really nice guy. I've seen a lot of talk on here about copying or doing my resin, and I understand that. Modelers are sometimes impatient guys and when they want something they don't care how they get it. When I started if anyone remembers, there was a lot of talk about me copying Carl's resin, and I actually had to take every piece I could get of his and show modelers that I did, or had someone master from scratch any body I wanted to do. He did give me permission to direct copy ONE wheel, but that was it So basically it's okay to copy anyone's stuff if you master their stuff on your own without using their exact piece. And actually there is NO law that says you can't actually cast a guys stuff, but you do need to let your moral compass be your guide. If you don't have a moral compass, you won.t feel bad about copying someone else's resin.
Now for me, we finally got moved to Chapel Hill Tennessee. We down sized, so moving to a smaller farm just kills me. I did have a large 30X50ft shop built, but right now, it's filled with a lot of our stuff from when we moved. No, I did not shut down the old forum site, as I was hoping that GO Daddy would eventually figure out how to read and transfer data to to their forum systems, but it hasn't happened, and now that I see how well everyone has resurfaced and come here, there's no reason to worry about it except to claim all the past data and save it to my computer.  I still have all the molds and have even made some new molds for some drag racing items. When all the dust settles around here, my hope is to sell items on Ebay with a store front. I won't take orders but I will refill stuff on the store when it gets to "0". Prices will be "Buy it Now" prices, but they will be the same prices like when I was at shows. Shipping will not  be gouged like it is now on Ebay. That's all I have on that subject right now. Gail is having the house remodeled, so I won't be able to get electricity in the shop until the house is done, and I can get all of the house stuff cleared out.

         Everything looks awesome here and the Birkeys have done an awesome job. I've seen people here that left my forum, and that's great to see as well, and another credit to the Birkey's. Now that my forum is gone, the pressure has been lifted. However, if there is Anyone that feels they will leave if I'm on here, just say so to me in a PM, and I'll leave with no problem. It's not a big deal to me anymore that I have to be on a forum. Great stuff here, and Awesome job by the Birkey's, Congrats!


FRW, so glad to hear from you and know you are doing well.  I am going to presume your health issues are under control.  Looking forward to your products to be available again.  If you are building, we would really like to see some of your stuff.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.


 :)  Hey, Fred.  So glad to hear from you, and know that you are still perking.  I never did buy much resin from anyone, but I did a lot of building and gave a lot of support to FRWF. 

I have downsizing of my own going these days, for a future move, and my model building will be downsized as well, from here on out.  But I'll still be piddling.

Really have missed you giving me a hard time.  I passed through Anniston last week, and thought about going to supper, Hobby Lobby, and Books A Million with you, Tony, Mike and Brent.

Maybe you will show us the latest 51.
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4

Bill in MA

Great to hear from you, Fred.

Sounds like you've got your hands full with the move and all. 

I hope that dust settles soon and in all the right places.  :)

A Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Professional driver on closed course.  Do not attempt.


Good to hear from you Fred. Hope your medical problems are over, or at least, at a  minimum. Hope to see some of your cars in the future.....Rest assured, I need resin stuff when you are up and selling, you will be the one I buy from.....Loyalty to old friends is big with me....



Well, no, I still have health issues, but I am trying to just live around them, and do what I can when I can. We did go down to Atlanta John, and had a good time. I spent most of the day at the Slixx booth. We talked about me gathering more Mom and Pop artwork and sending it to them for more sheets. I had a great time with Gene and Becky. Since you weren't there John, I had to give Becky the hard time .

Right now the new shop is cluttered beyond imagination, but hopefully this Spring I'll get lights and get my office organized. I am excited about that. Oh, I did do one crazy thing. I bought a Mini Stock Mustang to run at the local dirt tracks. The only thing is, I need a new seat cuz I can't get everything squeezed in to the current seat. I bought it completely ready to go, and I'm excited about that as well.


Welcome Fred. Best news I have heard all day!  ;D
Jackie Sims Race Car Models

Greg Birky

Hi Fred!!!  Glad you're here and good to hear how it's going for you.  Tom and Dan are doing a great job on this site and I sure hope you'll enjoy it as well.  When you have time I sure would love to see some pics of your mini stock and I need to post up some of the Pinto my friend Perry and I ran back some years ago in Oklahoma.  I'm grateful for Tom starting this forum because I really missed thr FRW forum.  It's kinda like home since a good share of your forum guys are here so it's been a lot of fun.  Anyway, welcome, jump right on in and have some fun. gb😎👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🏁
The "Ole Bench Racer" 

Greg Birky


Oh, so now you are going back to racing......I'm jealous as all get out!!!! You go man!!!



good to hear from you Mr Fred !!!   hope all is well in your world and I sure have missed talking to ya , like you my health trouble are still messin' with me but we keep tying to push tru the pain and the nerves trouble
I hope you have a lot of resin parts to sell , these guys have been looking to buy only your stuff !! 
didnt know anything about you moving till you posted it , have you talked to Danny ? I haven't even seen him online in ten years or so , haven't seen him at the model show here in dallas in about the same amount of time its like he dropped off the earth  . I know his gone the job that he wanted for so long and I used to call him but I lost his phone # when I got a new phone
any way so glad to hear from you and hope to hear a lot more


Happy to hear from you,miss your stuff,glad your getting settled in!Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy racing that ministock!


Glad to hear from you. I miss are talks I'm down from modeling due to shoulder surgery. I hope you get back to doing resin soon. Maybe the wrecker bed we where talking about. Take care my friend tn
Charlie Daniel


GREAT to hear from you!!! An glad that things are looking up for you! 
Ed K.

Dr. Kerry

Glad to hear you're doing well Fred and have direction of where your life is going!!! I know the smaller farm probably does suck but just think, it'll give ya more time to play with plastic in your shop!!!! That or pound out the new dents in the mini next spring!!! Lol 😂
Either way glad you're doing well!!!!!
"Keep It In Scale"
       Dr. Kerry