What happened to everybody?

Started by Olderndirt, April 20, 2018, 05:42:57 PM

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Brian, some may not have come back after the big crash late last year......though that is just my opinion......
But, yes, F/B could have something to do with it. if for nothing else one does not need a separate host for posting pics.....especially after what Photobucket did. Some may be "gun shy" that other image hosting sites may follow PB lead....again just  my opinion....
Ed K.


If Fakebook ever becomes the only way to post a thread or build pics, I will never be heard from again, ever.  I am sure that would make a few folks happy but I will NOT jump on the FB wagon.  I will post up some things here when I finish smearing some more gloo, I don't have enough finger prints on my latest project yet.  And besides, the paint looks to shiny, I gotta barf it up a little.

Brian Conn

  Don't get to emotionally attached to  farcebook, I have my doubts that it will be around in a few years...it will fall by the wayside like internet chat rooms and myspace.
  The technology is out there that supports the idea of being able to post pictures direct from your files eliminating 3rd party hosting....it's just a matter of if and when Mac or Microsoft give the middle finger to the 3rd party hosting sites with a software version that eliminates the need for their services.
  IN THE MEAN TIME.....I would not worry about other 3rd party hosting sites fallowing in p-buckets foot steps attempting to do the same thing that they did almost a year ago.

Remember this from last Summer.....I am sure that Fotki was not the only one doing this.....

  What p-bucket did was to drive members to other photo hosting sites in droves......their business model was more akin to business suicide...untold hundreds of thousands world wide where effected in varying degrees by the decisions made by the brain trust at p-bucket.   
The only heroes in Washington are buried just outside of it in Arlington


and you lost me.........no big deal