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FINAL 2020 34 Ford Pickup CBP

Started by David Bogard, March 31, 2020, 05:08:21 PM

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David Bogard

A huge thank you to all that took the time to build something for this CBP. I think we ended up with a wide array of visions for this kit and all of them are winners in my book! Thank you again for your participation. - David

From TonyK

From Rett

From dirtmodwrench

From Bandit

From Greg Birky

From Bandit

From Annie

From John2

From Annie

From me

From me

From me

I appreciate people that actually build and post models.


Thanks to all, also.  We enjoyed being a part of it. 
Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


This is great! Some really cool stuff here. It's fun to see the different approaches to the same vehicle! Weill done  everyone!


Greg Birky

This was truly a fun build and was equally as much fun to see the variety of build styles!  Like you said, David, each and every one is a winner in my book!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🏁🏁🏁
The "Ole Bench Racer" 

Greg Birky


Definitely some fine looking builds.  Shows the different views of our membership.  Sorry I didn't get mine done in time.  I am in somewhat of a slump and my basement work area has been a bit too cool to work comfortably.  But, it will get done and I will post it.
When I win the Powerball I will switch to the real ones.

Bob P.

I  was not involved in these builds, too busy building race cars.

I really enjoyed watching these being built, and enjoyed even more seeing the finished builds.
Great job by all involved. Well done.


Marty W

Very impressive lineup of trucks! I enjoyed this CBP more that I thought I would. Still working on finishing mine, and it's almost there. It always takes longer than I think it will. Just call me Mr. Late from now on.

Nice work everyone on the models!


Look to the Lord and His strength -  Seek His face always.
Psalm 105:4


Marty wrote:
QuoteJust call me Mr. Late from now on

Better that, than Mr. Who knows when.....
Ed K.